By the grace of God, FPC Aiken is a community of faith dedicated to the ministry of prayer, of and for the people of God. Please share your prayer concerns, so that we can share them with our church family.
Among those we need to remember are:
Prayer Concerns
Norma Bauer
Deborah Corson, daughter of Karalee Kludzuweit
Mary Edwards
Tom & Peggy Graf, sister and brother-in-law of Kathy Kent
Ray Hartzog, friend of Beth Yarborough
Buzz Jenkins
Bryan Kavalecz & Family, relatives of Denny & Linda McGurer
Bob Kennedy
Robbie Knox
Sheila Krist
Rhett Lamonte, nephew of Kim Abney
Rose Lewis
Annie Mahon & Family, relatives of Denny & Linda McGurer
Donna Mahr, cousin of Pam Skiles
Joey O’Conor
Wanda Scott
Donna Smith
Pam Sowers
Scott Petit friend of Liz & Bill Cox
Karen Kyle friend of Bill & Liz Cox
Medical Equipment Closet
The Medical Equipment Closet is full!
Several years ago, the Deacons began to collect donations of durable medical equipment to loan out to our members and others in the community. You have all responded beyond our wildest expectations! Thank you! In fact, we now have so much equipment there is little room to add more to the closet! For now, please check with the church office to find out if we can accept any donation.
We currently have several types of wheelchairs, adjustable crutches, walkers (with and without wheels), shower seats, raised toilet seats, and canes.
If you, or anyone you know has a temporary need for any type of this equipment, we are more than happy to see that you get anything in our closet that fits your needs! Just contact the church office with your request, or stop by the church and visit the closet to find what you may need.
Thank you to all who have provided the equipment. To those who have used it, thank you for its return!