Our members embrace and relish the opportunity to share God’s love. We are committed to building God’s family through our global missions…worshiping, fellowship, building, equipping, disaster relief and resourcing our Christian partners. We have established long-term God-based relationships in Central America and Africa. Honduras Agape Foundation focuses on educational as well as medical and dental needs. Our Mwandi, Zambia mission concentrates on medical support while our unique Formula For Life initiative provides them critical, life-saving, formula for infants. We also partner with the Presbyterian Church (USA) mission in South Sudan. We’d love to have you share in our global outreach! We invite you to contact Chuck Dynarski, Chair of the Missions Committee or the resources below.

Mwandi Mission Hospital
First Presbyterian Church has been involved with the Mwandi Mission Hospital in Zambia, Africa since 1993.
Involvement began with financial and physical support for the renovation of the WWI vintage hospital in a sad state of repair.
Today FPC Aiken helps support the American Partners Board which is a fundraising organization in support of the Hospital.
In 2008 members of First Presbyterian returning from a trip to Mwandi identified a need for infant formula to feed babies whose moms are HIV positive. A program called Formula for LifeTM was initiated to make and sell necklaces to buy formula. To date, this program has raised over $325,000.

Formula for Life™
The Formula For Life™ (FFL) necklace project has been a mission of First Presbyterian Church, Aiken, since 2009!
Catherine Vandegrift started the project after visiting Mwandi, Zambia, in late 2008. She saw there was a severe need for infant formula to feed newborn babies who are born HIV-negative to mothers who were HIV-positive.
Even at age 98, Catherine was the heart, soul, and inspiration for everyone associated with Formula for Life™. We have sold over $325,000 worth of necklaces and other items so far.
Our Zambia mission partner, Ida Waddell, buys the infant formula and manages its distribution. Ida reports that this project has saved the lives of over 500 babies.
You can help by making necklaces and tote bags. We’ll provide training and all the supplies you need. You can also help by selling necklaces and tote bags and by giving them as gifts.

Honduras Agape Foundation
Honduras Agape Foundation (HAF) manifests the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Honduras by providing medical and dental health care; education assistance; construction; and support for the community of believers.
For more information about Honduras Agape Foundation and its various programs, or if you have an interest in supporting areas of greatest need, please contact Tom Britt.