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We’re excited you’re considering membership at FPC Aiken.


We know this is an important decision. So we asked several of our members to share a little more about what it’s like to join our church and be a part of our community.

Membership Matters - Mike
Membership Matters - Ed
Membership Matters - Lindsay

Membership & Fellowship at FPC Aiken

1. Baptized Children

The first category recognizes children who are baptized.


2. Affiliate Members

The second category is for persons who temporarily relocate; this category allows an individual to maintain his or her membership at his or her home church while becoming an affiliate member with another church family.


3. Regular Members

People who have been brought into the membership of the church through baptism, statement of faith and/or through the transfer of membership from another church. Among these members are three subgroups:

A. Resident Members: Members living in the area and participating in the life of the church.

B. Homebound Members: Members living in the area but no longer able to participate in church activities “in person.”

C. Distance Members: Regular Members who maintain their membership at FPCA but have geographically moved away from a congregation yet, desire to maintain their fellowship with the church.


4. Extended Fellowship

Those who are not members but are participating in activities sponsored by our local church.

Become a Member

You are always welcome at any/all events whether you join officially or not, but membership adds depth to your (and our) sense of community. 


Reach out to us by email or via the form below if you have any questions about membership.

Membership Form

We are so glad you are interested in our church! Please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you as soon as possible

Select all that apply

We will be in touch as soon as possible!

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