writing new chapters in an old story
Grounded in the Presbyterian tradition of Christian faith, we believe that God has placed First Presbyterian Church in this time and place to begin a new chapter in an old story, by developing Christian faith that honors and cherishes tradition, while not being bound by traditionalism.
Join us January 25, at 9:00 AM-Noon, in the Fellowship Hall for the first Jigsaw Jamboree!!! Team should consists of 1-4 players, $50 per team. Whether you are "in it to win it" or just there for fun, come support our youth and enjoy this time of fellowship. Coffee and snacks will be served. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams will be given. Please fill out a registration form and return to the church office by January 15th. Piece be with You!!!
FPCA Jigsaw Jamboree
For an extra bit of fun we will be having a silent auction on the lovely quilt made and donated by Margo Salzman, the quilt is 52”x 70”. Bidders do not have to be members of a team to bid on the quilt! The last day to bid will be Saturday February 1st. All funds from the auction will go toward the youth scholarship fund.